Bots at present.....


Its a robot that communicates with humans socially, understands human feelings and react properly.It learns like an infant and shows feelings.

Like a infant it needs a environment for learning, if it is under stimulated it feels bored,and when over stimulated it shows fear.


It's a project being developed to get a bot with a three-year old infant IQ . Interestingly its torso was learning since 1993. Now its in a crawling-infant stage.

Another thing to note is, unlike other bots it makes eye contact with humans while others can't even differentiate between humans and objects.


First ‘robo sapiens’ as to rightly say . A 1.2 m tall astronaut like bot developed by honda.

It can climb stairs, look out for corners and even turns the light on/off. But was blind, deaf and dumb , it can only be remotely configured.


A pet bot,with a Memory Stick that dictates its behaviour. it can also controlled by PC or mobile device. It identifies its owner and can recharge itself.

Shortly, an entertainer in nature developed by sony electronics.