To define the Universe

Institute of Computational Cosmology (ICC) was working on an super computer that actually does the process of solving mysteries in our universe. This is actually been started at later part of 2001 aided by Britain’s biggest supercomputer based the University of Durham. This machine records data from billions of observations on the cosmic objects spread all across the universe. Thus obtained data from observation was then processed at ultra speed to predict the formation and evolution of galaxies. The supercomputer result was then compared to cosmic theories to find an reasonable explanation for the evolution of our universe. To say about the components of the supercomputer, it consists of a cluster of 128 Ultra-SparcIII processors, 24 processor SunFire mid-frame servers, 112 GB RAM and 7 TB of storage, such immensity allow it to perform 10 billion operations per second, which would take most human beings around a million years of continuous calculation to complete!